Simulation Modeling Functions


Though most of your modeling can be realized in raw Julia, some of the most important features in a Monte-Carlo simulation package have to do with analyzing and applying correlation in models. MCHammer's correlation approach is based on "Ronald L. Iman & W. J. Conover (1982) A distribution-free approach to inducing rank correlation among input variables, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation"

The simulation and correlation functions are designed to quickly obtain risk and decision analysis metrics such as moments, percentiles and risk over time.


cormat(ArrayName, RankOrder=1)

Cormat calculates a symetric correlation matrix using both PPMC and Rank Order. Rank Order is default because this is what it used in the Iman-Conover method for correlating of simulated variables.

RankOrder = 1 calculates the Spearman rank order correlation used in MCHammer (this argument is optional and defaults to Spearman)

RankOrder = 0 calculates the Pearson Product Moment Correlation

Random.seed!(1) #hide
test = rand(Normal(),1000,5)

# output

5×5 Array{Float64,2}:
  1.0         0.045012   0.00247197  -0.0455839   0.0126131
  0.045012    1.0        0.0534       0.0449149   0.0219751
  0.00247197  0.0534     1.0          0.0194396   0.0504692
 -0.0455839   0.0449149  0.0194396    1.0        -0.0301272
  0.0126131   0.0219751  0.0504692   -0.0301272   1.0

# output

5×5 Array{Any,2}:
  1.00069    0.0286309  0.0102903  -0.0356815   0.0132867
  0.0286309  1.09233    0.0598539   0.0536936   0.0216141
  0.0102903  0.0598539  1.07241     0.0140108   0.0583517
 -0.0356815  0.0536936  0.0140108   0.942015   -0.0240827
  0.0132867  0.0216141  0.0583517  -0.0240827   1.02767
corvar(ArrayName, n_trials, correl_matrix)

The corvar function correlates simulation inputs unsing the Iman Conover Method. Your array must contain >2 simulated inputs. Remember to hcat() your inputs into tables reflecting your input correlation matrices.

n_trials: is the number of trials in the simulation. This must be consistent.

correl_matrix: must be defined as a Square Positive Definite correlation matrix. This can be calculated from histroical data using cormat() function.

n_trials = 1000
sample_data = [rand(LogNormal(0, 0.5),n_trials) rand(Normal(3,2),n_trials) rand(Gamma(1, 0.5),n_trials) rand(LogNormal(0, 0.5),n_trials) rand(Normal(3,2),n_trials) rand(Gamma(1, 0.5),n_trials)]

test_cmatrix = [1 0 0 0 0 0; 0 1 0 0 0 0; 0 0 1 0 0 0;0 0 0 1 0.75 -0.7; 0 0 0 0.75 1 -0.95; 0 0 0 -0.7 -0.95 1 ]

cormat(corvar(sample_data, n_trials, test_cmatrix))

# output

6×6 Array{Float64,2}:
  1.0          0.045012    0.00247197  -0.0455839  -0.0138308   0.0112554
  0.045012     1.0         0.0534       0.0449149   0.0592791  -0.0355262
  0.00247197   0.0534      1.0          0.0194396   0.0532426  -0.0468971
 -0.0455839    0.0449149   0.0194396    1.0         0.719585   -0.662708
 -0.0138308    0.0592791   0.0532426    0.719585    1.0        -0.939008
  0.0112554   -0.0355262  -0.0468971   -0.662708   -0.939008    1.0
GetCertainty(ArrayName, x, AboveBelow=0)

This function returns the percentage of trials Above (1) or Below(0) a target value of x.

test = rand(Normal(),1000)

GetCertainty(test, 0, 1)

# output

fractiles(ArrayName, Increment=0.1)

The fractiles function calculates percentiles at equal increments. The default optional argument for Increments is 0.1 for deciles but can be set to anything such as 0.05 for quintiles or 0.01 for percentiles.


# output

11×2 Array{Any,2}:
 "P0.0"    -3.882
 "P10.0"   -1.34325
 "P20.0"   -0.860748
 "P30.0"   -0.526089
 "P40.0"   -0.274806
 "P50.0"    0.00474446
 "P60.0"    0.218685
 "P70.0"    0.472055
 "P80.0"    0.800966
 "P90.0"    1.2504
 "P100.0"   3.12432

Shell /Dos Command wrapper to run batch and shell commands in script. This is used to process SQL from the command line or perform system level operation in a script using a command prompt.

function  truncate_digit(num, digits=2)

Truncation algorithim to remove decimals (ported by anonymous author from Maple) e.g.

  0.066 = 0.06
  0.063 = 0.06
Result_1 = truncate_digit(0.667)
Result_2 = truncate_digit(0.661)
Result_1 == Result_2

# output